11 December 2023

​Embarking on a new chapter in his professional journey, Jonty Cooke has recently taken on the role of Director at FRAME Recruitment. To gain insights into his wealth of professional experience and the exciting direction he envisions for FRAME, we had the privilege of sitting down with Jonty for an exclusive interview.

Meet Jonty Cooke, the new Director of FRAME Recruitment

Could you briefly outline your professional background and experience, sharing what inspired you to enter the recruitment industry?

"I have worked in sales and leadership roles for over 15 years, starting in car rental and moving into the commercial finance sector before this move. I have recruited for my teams however I do not bring any experience in the recruitment sector.

When I talked to Martin Bennell, the Chief Operating Officer of FRAME Recruitment, about leading a recruitment team, we identified areas of crossover in the skill sets required for both fields. We agreed that sales and business development were common themes in both sectors, and I was confident that I could apply my expertise to a different industry. I was excited about the opportunity to step up and lead a sales team in recruitment.”

What's your favourite thing about working in recruitment and what keeps you motivated on challenging days?

“Moving back to working in an office is great. The team vibe here is energetic and easy to work with. The wider office environment and the other people I work with have made it an enjoyable move. There are always ups and downs in any sales role, but the team that we have here means that most days are positive."

As the new director, what vision do you have for FRAME Recruitment? Are there any specific goals or changes you plan to implement?

“My first goal is to grow the team and expand our presence in London. Longer term I have a vision of reaching beyond London and exploring the international market. To achieve this, I want FRAME Recruitment to become a leading recruitment provider in the London area and then build on that success. By expanding we give the current team opportunities to grow with us.”

What do you think sets FRAME Recruitment apart from other agencies in the industry, and how do you plan to build on those strengths?

"We are people specialists. With nearly 25 years of recruitment experience, we know our sector and industry well and can offer much more to our clients than just filling a vacancy. We understand the latest trends and expectations in people’s careers and can match the best candidates to our clients’ needs."

What are your strategies for keeping up with industry trends and changes, and how do you ensure that FRAME Recruitment stays ahead of the market?

“The only way we can do that is by talking with our clients. They are more than just customers; they are our partners. We are there to provide them with the best candidates in the market, but we also need their feedback on the latest trends and changes. By learning from our clients and our candidates, and by communicating with them regularly, we can stay at the forefront of changes in the sector.”

What are the key skills and qualities that make a candidate stand out in the recruitment process, especially in the current job market?

“Energy and the willingness to look at a variety of projects. The creative sector is constantly changing, so being agile and adaptable is essential. Moreover, I believe that bringing your passion and personality to your work can make a difference in any sector, but especially in a creative one.”

Lastly, what's a skill or hobby you have outside of work that not many people might know about?

“My family and I keep chickens. They live in a little wooded area behind our house, which is quite unusual and fun. Yes, they provide eggs, but they are also family pets and get a lot of fuss and attention from my three daughters.”

Connect with Jonty Cooke

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Meet Jonty Cooke, the new Director of FRAME Recruitment

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